Over 35,000 Employees in Portfolio Companies
All Rowing in the Same Direction
Over 35,000 Employees in Portfolio Companies
All Rowing in the Same Direction
With multiple public offerings since inception,
Clarke thrives in capital markets and can help you navigate those waters.
But our companies have also partnered with the best in private equity, including
The Carlyle Group, Sequoia, EOS, and Highland Capital to name a few.
Board members consist of a former CEO/Chair of Albertsons, the founder of Staples, a former White House Cabinet member and a Lord in Britain’s House of Lords, among others.
With multiple public offerings since inception,
Clarke thrives in capital markets and can help you navigate those waters.
But our companies have also partnered with the best in private equity, including
The Carlyle Group, Sequoia, EOS, and Highland Capital to name a few.
Board members consist of a former CEO/Chair of Albertsons, the founder of Staples, a former White House Cabinet member and a Lord in Britain’s House of Lords, among others.